On Developing the Theory of Resonant Processes in Power Transformer Windings. Part 2. Frequency Responses of a Circuit with Four PI Sections

  • Vasily S. LARIN
Keywords: power transformers, resonant processes, windings, frequency response, natural oscillation frequency


In the first part of the article, the results from theoretical studies of frequency responses in a homogeneous chain circuit containing two PI sections were presented, and conclusions about the voltage resonance occurrence conditions were drawn. A circuit with two PI sections has a single independent node and one natural frequency, whereas transformer windings are more complex oscillatory circuits and have a much larger number of natural oscillation frequencies. The second part of the article presents the results from studies of frequency responses in a homogeneous chain circuit containing four PI sections, three independent nodes, and three natural oscillation frequencies. Analytical expressions for the admittances of the equivalent circuit individual parts and the voltages at the intermediate nodes, as well as expressions for the natural frequencies are obtained. Using an analysis of the frequency dependences of the admittances of the equivalent circuit parts, the conditions and frequency ranges under which voltage resonance may occur at the first, second, and third natural frequencies, are shown. It has been demonstrated that for the considered resonant circuits there is a critical frequency above which the conditions for voltage resonance are not satisfied. Formulas for impedances and voltages at intermediate nodes of a chain circuit with an arbitrary number of PI sections are given.

Author Biography

Vasily S. LARIN

(All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute – Branch of FSUE ”RFNC – VNIITF named after academ. E.I. Zababakhin”, Moscow, Russia) – Head of the Transformer Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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13. Larin V., Matveev D., Maximov B.K. Resonant overvoltages inside power transformer windings and the measures improving their ability to withstand high-frequency stresses. – 48th CIGRE Session, report A2-203, Paris, France, 2020.
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15. Soloot A.H., Høidalen H.K., Gustavsen B. Influence of the Winding Design of Wind Turbine Transformers for Resonant Overvoltage Vulnerability. – IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2015, vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 1250–1257.
16. Soloot A.H. Resonant Overvoltages in Offshore Wind Farms: Analysis, modeling and measurement. Theses for Ph.D, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2017, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.28215.11682.