Mathematical Description of the Control Functions of a Switched Two-Phase Motor with a Two-Sectional Phase Winding
The mathematical description of a digital control device for a modern electric drive based on a switched two-phase motor with two-sectional phase windings is presented. For all possible winding sec-tion connection schemes and their basic usage methods involving the application of a four-arm or four-switch power amplifier, the cyclic sequences of control signals are determined and analytical expressions for them are derived that take into account the motor rotor rotation in both directions. Compact versions of representing them in form of Zhegalkin's polynomial or in the disjunctive form are obtained. Analytical dependencies of the rotor position digital signals received from Hall sensors are obtained, and their in-terrelation with the base vectors and number of pole pairs on the rotor magnet is revealed. Combined methods for using the phase winding sections are elaborated, which make it possible to obtain the base vectors uniformly distributed over the rotation circumference with their amplitudes minimally differing from each other. The derived mathematical expressions can be used in designing a digital electric drive and implementing high-speed algorithms based on programmable logic circuits and systems on a chip.
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