Low-Speed Large-Capacity Electrical Machines
Foreign publications on large-capacity low-speed electrical machines (up to 30 MW, 300 min-1) are reviewed. The design features of the propulsion electric motors for submarines and surface ships, as well as of the wind generators of terrestrial and marine windmills are shown. Induction and synchronous motors with a capacity of higher than 1 MW have expelled DC motors in the propeller electric drive systems. Gearless electric drives have found wide use in the electric propulsion systems of ships and submarines, and also in wind power engineering applications. In its final part, the article briefly outlines the main structural and technological features of designing large-capacity low-speed electrical machines.
2015 Wind technologies market report word energy resources [Электрон. ресурс] https://www.worldenergy.org/wpcontent/ uploads/ 2017/03/WEResources_Wind_2016.pdf (дата обращения 12.05.2018) .
A2SEA Hired to Install 102 East Anglia ONE Turbines [Электрон. ресурс] https://www.offshorewind.biz/2016/11/01/a2sea- hired-to-install-102-east-anglia-one-turbines/ (дата обращения 27.04.2018) .
Polinder H. et. al. Сomparison of direct-drive and geared generator concepts for wind turbines/IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (Vol. 21, Iss. 3, Sept. 2006 ), 725-733 [Электрон. ресурс] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1677663/ (дата обращения 28.04.2018).
Keysan O. Future electrical generators // technologies offshore wind turbine Engineering & technology reference 2015, t 1 [Электрон. ресурс] https://energyhub.theiet.org/users/60216-ozan- keysan/posts/19442-future-electrical-generator-technologies-for- offshore-wind-turbines (дата обращения 13.05.2018).
Li H., Chen Z., Polinder H. Optimization of Multibrid Permanent-Magnet Wind Generator Systems. — IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 24(1):82 — 92 • April 2009 [Электрон. ресурс] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224385004_ Optimization_of_Multibrid_Permanent-Magnet_Wind_Generator_S ystems (дата обращения 21.06.2018).
Sethuraman L., Dykes K. (September 2017) GeneratorSE: A Sizing Tool for Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Generators. NREL/TP-5000-66462, doi:10.2514/6.2017-1619 [Электрон. ресурс] https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy17osti/67444.pdf (дата обращения 14.06.2028).
Bassham B.A. An evalution electric motors for ship propulsion. June 2003 [Электрон. ресурс] http://www.fourwinds10. com/resources/uploads/files/motors.pdf (дата обращения 29.04.2018)
Gieras J.F. Permanent magnet motor technology: design and applications 2010. — CRC Press.
Babg D. et al. Ring-shaped transverse flux PM generator for large direct-drive wind turbines. — 2009 Intern. conf. on power electronics and drive systems, PEDS 2009.
Design of Large Permanent Magnetized Synchronous Electric Machines: Low Speed, High Torque Machines — Gererator for Diriect Driven Wind Turbine- Motor for Rim Driven Thruster / Thesis for the degree of PhD, Trondheim, NUST [Электрон. ресурс] https://brage.bibsys.no/xmlui/handle/11250/256994 (дата обращения 01.07.2018).
Sinavy permasyn [Электрон. ресурс] http://manualzz.com/ doc/8578626/sinavy-permasyn (дата обращения 23.05.2018).
The driving factor in the SEA 1000 Choice. The submarine propulsion chain / Asea Pacific Defence Reporter, Oct. 2015 [Электрон. ресурс] https://corporate.siemens.com.au/content/dam/ internet/siemens-com-au/root/aunz- defence- solutions/apdr-october-2015- issue-future-submarine.pdf (дата обращения 01.06.2018).
Sinavi DC-Prop and Sinavy Permasin. Integrated Propulsion Solutions for Submarines [Электрон. ресурс] https://w3app. siemens.com/mcms/infocenter/dokumentencenter/cc/Infocenter LanguagePacks/SINAVY%20DC-Prop%20and%20SINAVY%20PE RMASYN% C2%AE/sinavy-dc-prop-permasyn.pdf (дата обращения 03.06.2018).
Hodge C.G., Mattick D.J. The electric warship then, now and later. INEC,2008, Hamburg [Электрон. ресурс] http://www.bmtdsl.co.uk/media/ 6097927/BMTDSL-Electric- warship-then-now-and-later-Conpaper- INEC-Apr08.pdf (дата обращения 11.05.2018).
Converteam’s Advanced Propulsion Motor to Undergo Tests in 2010 [Электрон. ресурс] https://www.naval-technology.com/ news/news64321-html/ (дата обращения 30.05.2018].
Optimum Design of a Lightweight 10MW Propulsion Motor [Электрон. ресурс] http://www.lcdries.com/wp-content/uploads/ 2017/08/179529_IEEE_report.pdf (дата обращения 31.03.2018].
Polikarpova M. et al. Direct liquid cooling for an outer-rotor direct-drive permanent-magnet synchronous generator for wind farm applications // Electric Power Application IET. 2015, vol. 9, No. 8, 523—532 [Электрон. ресурс] http://digital-library.theiet.org/ content/journals/10.1049/iet-epa.2014.0342 (дата обращения 24.05.2018).
Wind Turbine Direct-Drive Permanent-Magnet Generator with Direct Liquid Cooling for Mass Reduction. Tesis diss. Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland on the 25 th of June, 2014 [Электрон. ресурс] http://www.doria.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/97223/yulia%20vk% 20A4%20%2010%206%20.pdf?sequence= 2&isAllowed=y (дата обращения 07.05.2018).
The Offshore Wind Farm [Electron. resurs] https://www.merkuroffshore.com/company/ (Dаtа of appeal 06.04.2018).
2015 Wind technologies market report word energy resources [Electron. resurs] https://www.worldenergy.org/ wpcontent/uploads/2017/03/WEResources_Wind_2016.pdf (Data of appeal 12.05.2018).
A2SEA Hired to Install 102 East Anglia ONE Turbines [Electron. resurs] https://www.offshorewind.biz/2016/11/01/ a2sea hiredtoinstall102eastangliaoneturbines/ (Data of appeal 27.04.2018).
Polinder H. et. al. Сomparison of directdrive and geared generator concepts for wind turbines/IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (Vol. 21, Iss. 3, Sept. 2006 ), 725 – 733 [Electron. resurs] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1677663/ (Data of appeal 28.04.2018).
Keysan O. Future electrical generators // technologies offshore wind turbine Engineering & technology reference 2015, t 1[Electron. resurs] https://energyhub.theiet.org/users/60216-ozan- keysan/posts/19442-future-electrical-generator-technologies-for- offshore-wind-turbines (Data of appeal 13.05.2018).
Li H., Chen Z., Polinder H. Optimization of Multibrid Permanent-Magnet Wind Generator Systems. — IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 24(1): 82—92. April 2009 [Electron. resurs] https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/224385004_Optimization_of_Multibrid_Permanent-Magnet_Wind_ Generator_Systems (Data of appeal 21.06.2018).
Sethuraman L., Dykes K. (September 2017) GeneratorSE: A Sizing Tool for Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Generators. NREL/TP-5000-66462, doi:10.2514/6.2017-1619 [Electron. resurs] https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy17osti/ 67444.pdf (Data of appeal 14.06.2028).
Bassham B.A. An evalution electric motors for ship propulsion. June 2003 [Electron. resyrs] http://www.fourwinds10. com/resources/uploads/files/motors.pdf (Data of appeal 29.04.2018)
Gieras J.F. Permanent magnet motor technology: design and applications 2010. — CRC Press.
Babg D. et al. Ring-shaped transverse flux PM generator for large direct-drive wind turbines. — 2009 Intern. conf. on power electronics and drive systems, PEDS 2009.
Design of Large Permanent Magnetized Synchronous Electric Machines: Low Speed, High Torque Machines — Gererator for Diriect Driven Wind Turbine- Motor for Rim Driven Thruster / Thesis for the degree of PhD, Trondheim, NUST [Electron. resurs] https://brage.bibsys.no/xmlui/handle/11250/ 256994 (Data of appeal 01.07.2018).
Sinavy permasyn [Electron resurs] http://manualzz. com/doc/8578626/sinavy- permasyn (Data of appeal 23.05.2018).
The driving factor in the SEA 1000 Choice. The submarine propulsion chain / Asea Pacific Defence Reporter, Oct. 2015 [Electron. resurs] https://corporate.siemens.com.au/content/dam/ internet/siemens-com-au/root/aunz-defence-solutions/apdr- october-2015-issue-future-submarine.pdf (Data of appeal 01.06.2018).
Sinavi DC-Prop and Sinavy Permasin. Integrated Propulsion Solutions for Submarines [Electron. resurs] https://w3app. siemens.com/mcms/infocenter/dokumentencenter/cc/Infocenter LanguagePacks/SINAVY%20DC-Prop%20and%20SINAVY%20 PERMASYN%C2%AE/sinavy-dc-prop-permasyn.pdf (Data of appeal 03.06.2018).
Hodge C.G., Mattick D.J. The electric warship then, now and later. INEC,2008, Hamburg [Electron. resurs] http://www.bmtdsl.co.uk/media/6097927/BMTDSL-Electric- warship-then-now-and-later- Conpaper-INEC-Apr08.pdf (Data of appeal 11.05.2018).
Converteam’s Advanced Propulsion Motor to Undergo Tests in 2010 [Electron. resurs] https://www.naval-technology.com/ news/news64321-html/ (Data of appeal 30.05.2018].
Optimum Design of a Lightweight 10MW Propulsion Motor [Electron. resurs] http://www.lcdries.com/wp-content/ uploads/ 2017/08/ 179529_IEEE_report.pdf (Data of appeal 31.03.2018].
Polikarpova M. et al. Direct liquid cooling for an outer-rotor direct-drive permanent-magnet synchronous generator for wind farm applications // Electric Power Application IET. 2015, vol. 9, No. 8, 523—532 [Electron. resurs] http://digital-library.theiet.org/ content/journals/ 10.1049/iet-epa.2014.0342 (Data of appeal 24.05.2018) .
Wind Turbine Direct-Drive Permanent-Magnet Generator with Direct Liquid Cooling for Mass Reduction. Tesis diss. Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland on the 25th of June, 2014 [Electron. resurs] http://www. doria.fi/bitstream/handle/ 10024/97223/ yulia%20vk%20A4%20% 2010%206%20. pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y (Data of appeal 07.05.2018)