"Drehstrom" – Rotating Current (On the 160th Anniversary Since the Birth of M.O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky)

  • Dmitry A. BORODIN
Keywords: M.O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky, three-phase induction motor, three-phase current system, Laufen–Frankfurt power transmission, International Electrotechnical Exhibition in Frankfurt am Main


The article is devoted to the beginning of the activity of Mikhail Osipovich Dolivo-Dobrovolsky. The end of the 1880s is characterized by the rapid development of alternating current technologies. The works of G. Ferraris, C.S. Bradley, N. Tesla, J. Venstrom, F.A. Heselvander and other electrical engineers significantly advanced the theory and practical use of alternating current. Nevertheless, the level of development of new electrical devices was still low, which hindered their widespread use. Within a relatively short period of time from 1888 to1891, Dolivo-Dobrovolsky developed a practically suitable electrical system based on three-phase currents. Mikhail Osipovich developed a simple, reliable three-phase induction motor with excellent electromechanical characteristics and together with it the entire chain of three-phase devices for generating, transporting and distributing electricity: three-phase transformers, generators, and power lines. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky's ideas were brilliantly embodied in the 170-km long Laufen–Frankfurt power transmission, which became a vivid example for electrical engineers around the world and an impetus for further widespread use of three-phase current.

Author Biography


(LLC «Engineering Center «Ruselprom», Moscow, Russia) – Leading Design Engineer, Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


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From the history of electrical engineering