Reliability Assessment of Circuit Breakers in Switchgear Schemes with Different Topologies
The article discusses issues related to assessing the reliability of high-voltage circuit breakers in switchgear schemes with different topology of their design. A generalized formula is presented, using which it is possible to carry out calculations and further assessment of the failure flow parameter versus the switchgear scheme in which the circuit breaker is installed. To identify topological features, the standard switchgear schemes presented in the regulatory documents are analyzed. Five main types of circuit topologies and types of circuit breakers have been identified depending on the type of switched connections. For carrying out comparative calculations, one typical option was selected for each type of circuit topology. The distribution of circuit breakers by types in these schemes is presented. Calculations of the circuit breaker failure rates in schemes with the same initial data and with breaking down by types are carried out. Conclusions on the extent to which various types of schemes influence the reliability of high-voltage circuit breakers both as a whole and separately, depending on the type of switched connection are presented.
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