A Brushless Adjustable Excitation Generator
Wind turbines are further developed toward improving their reliability and efficiency, and reducing maintenance costs during long-term operation. For this purpose, synchronous generators with excitation from permanent magnets are used, the parameters of which determine in many respects the efficiency and dimensions of the power plant as a whole. The article proposes a new design of a brushless synchronous generator with excitation longitudinal with respect to the rotor rotation axis. The generator features a simple design of its rotor poles and double frequency of the secondary winding voltage. The possibility of manufacturing the stator housing from cheap plastic or similar non-magnetic materials is noted, due to which a reduction in the generator mass and cost can be achieved; such generator can find use mainly in small and medium capacity power plants. To close the rotor excitation magnetic flux, longitudinal magnetic cores with coils on them are installed in the slots of the non-magnetic stator housing. This makes it possible to improve heat removal from the secondary winding and simplify the assembly. Smooth adjustment of the output voltage in a wide range of rotation speeds is possible. The results of modeling the magnetic field in the air gap between the stator and rotor and the output voltage waveform for the basic magnetic system configuration are presented.
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4. Bingyi Z., et al. A Switchable Cascaded Multi-DC-Branch for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator in Wide Speed Range on Wind Energy Conversion System. – IEEE 12th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), 2017, DOI:10.1109/PEDS.2017.8289210.
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8. Labidi Z.R., Schulte H., Mami A. Modeling and Optimal Torque Control of Small Wind Turbines with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators. – International Conference on Green Energy Conversion Systems, 2017, DOI:10.1109/GECS.2017.8066149.
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