Recommendations for Constructing a Generalized Human Body Model for Studying the Touch Voltage Effects
To improve the experimental base aimed at studying the electrophysical properties of a human body when subjected to a touch voltage in the frequency range 0-1000000 Hz, it is necessary to develop a probabilistic model of a human body as an electrical circuit element, using which it will be possible to standardize the conditions for monitoring touch voltages and currents in electrical installations with voltages of any kind and frequency. To develop a generalized human body model that would adequately represent the human body electrophysical characteristics under the effect of a touch voltage of an arbitrary frequency, it is sufficient to have experimental volt-ampere and ampere-second characteristics of the body when subjected to a constant voltage and its frequency responses in the range of 20-200000 Hz under the effect of a voltage that does not exceed the sensitivity threshold. Factors causing a gradual increase in the AC current amplitude at a constant applied voltage are revealed. The obtained computation results are in close agreement with the results of experimental studies carried out both at DC and AC voltages. The adequacy of the generalized human body model developed using the proposed approach is confirmed by good agreement between the predicted probabilistic (obtained on the model) and experimental volt-ampere characteristics at a frequency of 50 Hz and higher.
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