Structural and Algorithmic Synthesis of Three-Phase Traction Voltage Inverters
An approach to the structural and algorithmic synthesis of power electronic devices based on multichannel energy flow transformation is further developed. Previously, the obtaining of a high-current output with current-limited capabilities of the used semiconductor switches was considered [1]. In this paper, the approach is extended to the use of high-voltage switches with a limited operating voltage. A distinctive feature of the approach lies in using transfilters to equalize the instantaneous voltage values of the channels with the simultaneous rejecting action of higher harmonic components. The feasibility of the approach is shown using two options for generating the output voltage of a two-channel three-phase inverter: according to the algorithms of pulse-amplitude and pulse-width modulation. The adequacy of the structural-algorithmic synthesis results is confirmed by computer simulation in the OrCAD/PSpice environment [2]. The interrelations between the inverter input and output voltages necessary for its designing are determined. The operation principle of transfilters is considered, and their power-to-size ratio is estimated as a fraction of the load power (according to the fundamental harmonic). Recommendations for using a three-phase voltage inverter in a high-voltage traction frequency-controlled electric drive of railway rolling stock are given.
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