Poynting’s Vector and the New Theory of a Transformer. Part 7: Disk Windings
A new theory of a two-winding transformer with disk windings is proposed. The principle of its operation is outlined based on analyzing the specifics of Poynting’s vector distribution pattern between the disk windings. The transformers equivalence notion is introduced, the use of which made it possible to avoid cumbersome mathematical manipulations in deriving the equivalent circuit with indication of all key magnetic fluxes in the disk transformer iron and in the core aperture. The families of vector potential distribution and flux function curves obtained proceeding from this notion have made it possible to show that there exists an invariant surface within the primary disk winding boundaries, i.e., a surface on which the values of the above-mentioned quantities no not depend on the load. It is shown, with taking these curves into consideration, that unlike a cylindrical transformer, the overflux that takes place in a disk transformer (with respect to the no-load flux) in the case of a short-circuit fault occurs not in the leg but in the butt yoke closest to the primary winding. As regards the antiflux (directed oppositely to the no-load flux) that takes place in this mode, it flows in the butt yoke closest to the short-circuited secondary winding. The obtained results should be regarded as an important stage of constructing a correct theory of transformers with alternating disk windings.
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