Classification of Electrical Machines for Inventors and Artificial Intelligence Systems
The paper provides an overview of the existing classifications of electric machines and their criticism from the standpoint of logic and utilitarianism in the modern context. A modified approach to classification based on a set of features other than the generally accepted one is proposed. In particular, it is proposed not to use as the main ones such familiar features as the type of current in the network from which the machine is powered, the field and rotor rotation synchronism, and energy conversion direction. At the same time, such features as field sources and configurators, interaction force mechanisms, magnetic flux principal loop location relative to the gap plane and active parts motion direction are introduced. Pictograms are used as the main basic element of visualization and logical building block. The new approach seems to be more useful for inventors working in the field of electric machines and for application of artificial intelligence to develop new electric machine types and configurations. The classification for each of the selected features is illustrated by examples. A symbolic writing system is proposed for the new classification. Pictograms and code descriptions can be new means of the human-machine interface language.
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