Расчет характеристик маломощных трансформаторов по каталожным данным
low-capacity transformer, characteristics, computation algorithm, transformer operation conditions, calculation example
The article proposes an algorithm for calculating the characteristics of low-capacity (up to 5 kVA) transformers for the given values of power supply voltage, its frequency, current, and load type (power factor) through the use of solely catalogue data and without resorting to iteration procedures (as is known, the datasheets provided for such transformers contain a fewer number of parameters than that for transformers of a larger capacity). The calculations make it possible to avoid the need of determining the transformer characteristics by experiment. The transformer characteristics computation algorithm includes means for determining the equivalent circuit parameters and the transformer no-load and short-circuit power losses, as well as means for taking into account the nonlinear dependence of the no-load current on the power supply voltage. The nonlinear characteristics are taken into account in calculating the relative magnetic flux value in the transformer core and in calculating the relative magnetization current value from the relative magnetization and no-load current characteristic. By using the proposed algorithm it is possible to calculate the characteristics of transformers of any capacity. An example of calculating the transformer characteristics from catalogue data is given.References
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