Cooperation between Z.-T. Gramme and P.N. Yablochkov in the Field of Creating AC Generators (On the 175th Anniversary Since the Birth of P.N. Yablochkov)

  • Dmitriy A. BORODIN
Keywords: P.N. Yablochkov, Yablochkov candle, Yablochkov lighting system, direct current generators, alternating current generators, multiphase generators, Z.-T. Gramme, M.O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky


The great invention of Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov and his vigorous activity turned mountains. Within a short period of time, electrical engineering has become a powerful driving force of world progress. The deeper we dive into the study of the Russian inventor’s history, the more of new facts and amazing aspects of his genius are revealed to us. Yablochkov’s candle operated on alternating current. The alternators that existed at that time became obsolete. New electrical machines were urgently needed. In the late 1870s, direct currents were mainly used in electrical engineering. P.N. Yablochkov had to make serious efforts to solve the problem of providing efficient power supply for his lamps. Cooperation of two great electrical engineers P.N. Yablochkov and Z.-T. Gramme led to the development of alternating current technologies and the development of the first two-phase generators, which formed the basis for the development of multiphase electric currents, an entire field in electrical engineering.

Author Biography

Dmitriy A. BORODIN

(LLC «Engineering Center «Ruselprom», Moscow, Russia) – Leading Design Engineer, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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From the history of electrical engineering