Active Power Distribution Networks with Decentralized Multi-Agent Control Mode. Part 1
The article focuses on decentralization and multi-agent automatic control as applied to the key system tasks of managing the general mode of an electric grid with distributed generation. The list of these tasks includes maintaining active and reactive power balances in normal modes, emergency control, maintaining the power supply system operability in post-emergency modes, etc. The methods for decentralized solution of these tasks, which have been tested on power system physical models and in a pilot MiniGrid project, are proposed. The developed MiniGrid is integrated with an external electrical network using a control system that is an agent of a multi-agent system. A conclusion about the possibility of developing a technology for decentralized control of operation modes in electric networks with distributed small generation is drawn. In the first part of the article, the terminology used is given, and the concept of the subject of a system for multi-agent control of operation modes in electric networks with distributed generation is given. Matters concerned with multi-agent decentralized frequency and voltage closed-loop control in an electric network with distributed generation are considered.
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