A Laboratory Setup for Testing Power Converters for Short-Term Overvoltage Exposure
The article considers a laboratory setup for testing the stability of power converters to emergency conditions arising from an input overvoltage pulse up to 10 kV with duration of up to 12 ms as a result of switching processes. Such processes take place, for example, in the electrical circuits of DC electric locomotives. The laboratory setup has been designed using two power transistors and generates at its output an overvoltage pulse with the required duration of increasing to the specified amplitude and the required duration of decreasing to the specified voltage level. The setup electrical circuit diagram is given. Analytical expressions describing transients in the setup are defined, the accuracy of which is confirmed by computer simulation in the MATLAB Simulink environment. A mock-up sample of the proposed laboratory setup is described, and the results of its use in testing the PSN235 U2 auxiliary converter intended for the 3ES4K DC series electric freight locomotive are presented. The article is of interest to electrical engineers who are in charge for developing power electronic installations with an output pulse voltage of up to 10 kV for both railway rolling stock and industrial applications.
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