High-Voltage Bushings and Their Production in Russia
The state of production of high-voltage bushings for rated voltages of 35 kV and higher in Russia is assessed. Attention is focused on bushings of various designs and purposes, the competitiveness of domestic production of bushings, the use of imported materials and components in them, as well as the extent to which the domestic production covers the country’s own needs in these items. The manufacture of these products around the world, its largest brands and manufacturers' specializations are specially considered. Much attention is paid to the science supporting the production of high-voltage bushings. Problems and achievements in the field of production technologies are outlined. Problems concerned with personnel training for this branch of electrical engineering, starting with vocational guidance at school, are discussed. In conclusion, information is given about the Izolyator (Insulator) Works, the flagship of the domestic production of high–voltage bushings. The article is written in the form of answers given by A.Z. Slavinsky, General Director of the Izolator Works, on the questions of P.A. Butyrin, Editor-in-Chief of the Elektrichestvo (Electrical Technology) journal.
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