Monitoring System of Surge Arrwsters on Electrical Transmission Lines
The hardware and software complex of remote monitoring of the high voltage line arresters (HVLA) under operating voltage is developed. The complex is a two-level distributed system with autonomous monitoring points. The main functional units of the complex are: a block of current sensors, a registration and communication device, an autonomous power supply, a receiving base station and an automated workplace (AWP). In addition to measuring the total leakage current and the number of trips, the system records the amplitude and duration of the lightning current pulses flowing through the HVLA. These parameters can be used for assessment of the HVLA residual resource and making decision on a possibility of its further operation. For information transfer the standard of a wireless communication LoRa which advantages are is chosen: high noise immunity, larger range of transfer of a radio signal (up to 10 km), low energy consumption and high penetration. Program modules are developed for the device of reception and transfer of primary information and an automated workplace. The hardware and software system will allow to prevent emergence of a contingency situation on power lines, quickly and more efficiently to plan service and repair work, to pass to operation of HVLA on technical condition.
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