Installation for Treatment of Oncological Diseases Based on a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field

  • Natal'ya S. PODOL'SKAYA
  • Kseniya A. ZAGORODNEVA
  • Vladimir A. POPOV
Keywords: electromagnetic field, oncology treatment method, magnetic field strength, current density in an inductor


The article is devoted to studying the pulsed electromagnetic field impact on oncological cells. The classification of electromagnetic fields used in medicine is given. The scheme and operation principle of the installation for generating a pulsed electromagnetic field are described. The results of calculating the installation parameters and the effect the electromagnetic field generated by the installation has on biological cells are presented. To prepare a series of experiments on the installation, a magnetic field propagation model in various operating modes is constructed. Models of current density propagation in the inductor and magnetic field induction on analogs of biological cells are presented. The results of calculations and modeling have been confirmed by field experiments on copper and brass plates, which are analogs of healthy and oncological biological cells. Conclusions about the applicability of a pulsed electromagnetic field as a method of treating oncological diseases and its advantages have been drawn.

Author Biographies


(Moscow Aviation Institute (The National Research University), Moscow, Russia) – Senior Lecturer of the Electric Power, Electromechanical and Biotechnical Systems Dept


(Moscow Aviation Institute (The National Research University), Moscow, Russia) – Student of the Electric Power, Electromechanical and Biotechnical Systems Dept

Vladimir A. POPOV

(Joint Stock Company "RAMEK-VS", St. Petersburg, Russia) – Head of the Vibration-Pulse Systems Dept


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