«Russian Light» (On the 175th Anniversary Since the Birth of P.N. Yablochkov)

  • Dmitriy A. BORODIN
Keywords: Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov, Yablochkov’s lighting system, russian light, visual materials, arc candle cultural phenomenon


For a short period of time (from the late 1870s to the early 1880s), the "Russian light" conquered the whole world. The triumphant march of Yablochkov’s lighting system was reflected in numerous publications, which were often accompanied by brilliant illustrations. The article attempts to collect visual materials reflecting the tireless activity of the Russian inventor and his associates. Many famous artists, who were the eyewitnesses of those events, captured Yablochkov’s “Russian light” on their canvases and engravings: Apollinary Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, Nikolai Nikolaevich Karazin, Louis Poyet, Charles Amédée de Noé (Cham), Edgar Degas, Jacques-Joseph Tissot, and others. The article gives the reader the opportunity to see all the splendor of the new electric light through the eyes of the artists of those years. The illustrations given in the article are important visual primary sources, valuable keepers of information that expand our understanding of the time the electrical engineering was in the making and showed rapid development.

Author Biography

Dmitriy A. BORODIN

(LLC «Engineering Center «Ruselprom», Moscow, Russia) – Leading Design Engineer, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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2. Бородин Д.А. Электрификация универсальных магазинов Парижа (к 175-летию со дня рождения П.Н. Яблочкова). − Электричество, 2022, № 6, с. 64−74.
3. Белькинд Л.Д. Павел Николаевич Яблочков (1847−1894). М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1962, 270 с.
4. Promenades à l’Exposition. − Le Monde illustré, 1878, No. 1100, 27 avril, pp. 268−269.
5. Figuier L. Les Nouvelles Conquêtes de la science. L’Électricité. Paris: Librairie illustrée, 1884, 644 p.
6. Праздник в здании Парижской Большой Оперы. − Всемирная иллюстрация, 1879, т. 22, № 549, с. 48−49.
7. Малинин Г.А. Изобретатель «русского света»: (о П.Н. Яблочкове). Саратов: Приволжское книжное изд-во, 1984, 112 с.
8. Электрическое освещение Яблочкова. − Нива, 1879, № 45, с. 817.
9. Вид Александровского моста через р. Неву. − Нива, 1879, № 44, с. 875.
10. С.-Петербург. Обед нижних чинов, георгиевских кавалеров в манеже инженерного замка 27 ноября. − Всемирная иллюстрация, 1879, т. 21, № 521, с. 4.
11. С.-Петербург. Базар в залах Михайловского дворца. − Всемирная иллюстрация, 1881, т. 25, № 626, с. 28.
12. Петербург и его окрестности. Увеселительные заведения. − Всемирная иллюстрация, 1879, т. 22, № 555, с. 164−165.
13. Сад Эрмитаж в Москве. − Всемирная иллюстрация, 1882, т. 28, № 715, с. 193, 196.
14. Масленица в С.-Петербурге. У балаганов на Царицынском лугу. − Всемирная иллюстрация, 1883, т. 29, № 737, с. 188.
15. 15-е мая в С.-Петербурге. Во время иллюминации. − Всемирная иллюстрация, 1883, т. 29, № 751, с. 433.
16. Géraldy F. La Lumière Électrique au Salon. − La Lumière Électrique, 1879, vol. 1, No. 3, June 15, p. 58.
17. Le Salon éclairé par la lumière électrique. − Le Monde illustré, 1879, No. 1162, 05 juillet, p. 12.
18. La première du Salon. − Le Monde illustré, 1880, No. 1206, 8 mai, p. 284.
19. Hauptman J. Degas: A Strange New Beauty. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2016, 240 p.
20. Boggs J.S., et al. Degas. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1988, 640 p.
21. Clayson H. Illuminated Paris: Essays on Art and Lighting in the Belle Époque. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019, 228 p.
22. Defrance E. Histoire de l’éclairage des rues de Paris. Paris: Impr. Nationale, 1904, 126 p.
23. Guerlac O. Les Citations Francaises Hardcover. Paris: Librarie Armand Colin, 1954, 457 p.
1. Borodin D.А. Elektrichestvo – in Russ. (Electricity), 2021, No. 5. pp. 56−64.
2. Borodin D.А. Elektrichestvo – in Russ. (Electricity), 2022, No. 6, pp. 64−74.
3. Bel'kind L.D. Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov (Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov) (1847–1894). М.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 270 p.
4. Promenades à l’Exposition. − Le Monde illustré, 1878, No. 1100, 27 avril, pp. 268−269.
5. Figuier L. Les Nouvelles Conquêtes de la science. L’Électricité. Paris: Librairie illustrée, 1884, 644 p.
6. Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya – in Russ. (World Illustration), 1879, vol. 22, No. 549, pp. 48−49.
7. Malinin G.А. Izobretatel' «russkogo sveta»: (o P.N. Yablochkove) (The Inventor of the "Russian light": (about P.N. Yablochkov)). Saratov: Privolzhskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1984, 112 p.
8. Niva – in Russ. (Niva), 1879, No. 45, p. 817.
9. Niva – in Russ. (Niva), 1879, No. 44, p. 875.
10. Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya – in Russ. (World Illustration), 1879, vol. 21, No. 521, p. 4.
11. Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya – in Russ. (World Illustration), 1881, vol. 25, No. 626, p. 28.
12. Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya – in Russ. (World Illustration), 1879, vol. 22, No. 555, pp. 164−165.
13. Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya – in Russ. (World Illustration), 1882, vol. 28, No. 715, pp. 193, 196.
14. Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya – in Russ. (World Illustration), 1883, vol. 29, No. 737, p. 188.
15. Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya – in Russ. (World Illustration), 1883, vol. 29, No. 751, p. 433.
16. Géraldy F. La Lumière Électrique au Salon. − La Lumière Électrique, 1879, vol. 1, No. 3, June 15, p. 58.
17. Le Salon éclairé par la lumière électrique. − Le Monde illustré, 1879, No. 1162, 05 juillet, p. 12.
18. La première du Salon. − Le Monde illustré, 1880, No. 1206, 8 mai, p. 284.
19. Hauptman J. Degas: A Strange New Beauty. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2016, 240 p.
20. Boggs J.S., et al. Degas. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1988, 640 p.
21. Clayson H. Illuminated Paris: Essays on Art and Lighting in the Belle Époque. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019, 228 p.
22. Defrance E. Histoire de l’éclairage des rues de Paris. Paris: Impr. Nationale, 1904, 126 p.
23. Guerlac O. Les Citations Francaises Hardcover. Paris: Librarie Armand Colin, 1954, 457 p.
From the history of electrical engineering