The Statistical Methods to Estimation of Emergency Operation Mode Parameters of Energydistricts with the Objects of Up-Diffused Generation
Different techniques for digital processing of the current and voltage signals used in estimating the operating parameters of electric power systems are analyzed. The drawbacks limiting the possibility of applying widely used digital methods for measuring the operating parameters in power districts containing distributed generation facilities are revealed. The effectiveness of applying statistical approaches to estimating the parameters of signals under the conditions in which the electric power quality performance indicators deviate from their normal values and various distortion factors have their effect is shown. The structural diagrams of measuring devices using which it is possible to produce the most plausible estimate with examples of estimating the emergency operation mode parameters are presented. An algorithm for operation of a multichannel measurement device with digital signal processing is proposed, which is able to simultaneously estimate several voltage parameters and featuring high accuracy under the conditions of the variable frequency and electric power quality indicators. Based on the computation and simulation results, the possibility to essentially reduce the measurement errors and increase the parameter estimation speed by using the maximal plausibility method is shown.
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