Calculation of Short-Circuit Fault Currents in an Electric Traction Network with Double Ended Power Supply

  • Leonid A. GERMAN
  • Alexandr S. SEREBRYAKOV
  • Aleksey B. LOSKUTOV
  • Vladimir L. OSOKIN
Keywords: electric traction network, external power supply, short-circuit fault, equivalent circuit, calculation


A source of methodical error in calculations of short-circuit (SC) fault currents is shown on the example of an electric traction network that takes power supply from two traction substations. It is pointed out that in a real power supply arrangement, two adjacent traction substations are connected via a mutual impedance by the 110 (220) kV power lines, whereas in the design analysis circuit there is no such connection. Based on the analysis circuit used in designing, a new equivalent circuit was drawn, in which the resulting traction power supply arrangement remains unchanged. The modification of the initial circuit made it possible to eliminate the existing error and make the calculation of voltages under SC fault conditions in the traction network to be explicit in nature. The validity of replacing the symmetrical three-phase external power supply system and traction transformer by a single-line equivalent circuit in calculating the two-phase SC fault currents in the traction network is shown. The possibility of replacing a symmetrical three-phase network by a single-phase network both by transforming the three-phase equivalent circuit and using the equivalent generator method is proven.It is found that, despite the difference between the phase impedances of substations containing transformers with the Y/D and Y/Y winding connection schemes, the formulas for determining two-phase SC fault currents will be the same.

Author Biographies

Leonid A. GERMAN

GERMAN Leonid A. (Branch of the Samara State University of Railway, N. Novgorod, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


SEREBRYAKOV Alexandr S. (N. Novgorod State Engineer-Economic University (NNSEEU), Knyaguinino, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


LOSKUTOV Aleksey B. (N.Novgorod State Technical University, N. Novgorod, Russia) — Head of the Department, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)

Vladimir L. OSOKIN

OSOKIN Vladimir L. (NNSEEU, Knyaguinino, Russia) — Head of the Department, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


SUBKHANVERDIYEV Kamil’ S. («Transelektroproyekt», Moscow, Russia) — Engineer


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