The Mathematical Model of a Three-Phase Power Corrector with Improved Efficiency

  • Dmitriy A. SOROKIN
  • Sergey I. VOL’SKIY
Keywords: three-phase power corrector, efficiency, mathematical model, control system


The power circuit of a new three-phase power corrector having reduced power losses is considered. The power circuit mathematical model and the control system operation principle are described. A specific feature of the single-loop control of the device active power with the input phase current synchronized with the input phase and with stabilizing the output DC voltage is shown. The results from computer simulation of the device prototype designed for the 400 V 50 Hz input three-phase voltage, for the 800 V DC output voltage and 70 kW output power are presented. The article is of interest for designers of three-phase power correctors with high efficiency and a reliable control system.

Author Biographies

Dmitriy A. SOROKIN

SOROKIN Dmitriy A. (LLC «Transkonverter», Moscov, Russia) — Ingineer-designer

Sergey I. VOL’SKIY

VOL’SKIY Sergey I. (LLC «Transkonverter»; National Research Uniwersity «Moscow Aviation Institute», Moscow, Russia) — Director General; Profesor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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