Matters Concerned with Using Cryogenic Cooling of Static Converter Semiconductor Switches

  • Georgy A. DUBENSKIY
  • Kirill A. MODESTOV
  • Yury Ig. KOVAN
  • Konstantin L. KOVALEV
  • Anatoly Ye. LARIONOV
Keywords: static converter devices, electromechanical converters, cryogenic cooling, heat transfer coefficient, converter specific capacity


In Russia and abroad, certain scientific and technical progress in the field of development and manufacture of electromechanical converters constructed on the basis of high-temperature superconducting materials has been achieved. The specific capacity of such electrical machines exceeds 10 kW/kg when cooled with liquid nitrogen. The specific capacity of static converting devices operating jointly with electromechanical converters and fitted with forced cooling is as a rule not higher than 1 kW/kg. Therefore, the problem of increasing the specific capacity of both electromechanical and static semiconductor electric power devices of movable facilities, especially when used in the aerospace industry, is very topical. The article considers matters concerned with cooling the semiconductor switches of static converters with liquid nitrogen. More efficient cooling ensured by such arrangement results in that a significantly higher heat transfer coefficient is obtained; as a consequence, it becomes possible to make the heat sinks and, hence, the entire converter with smaller mass and dimensions. Calculations carried out using experimental results have shown that the use of cryogenic cooling makes it possible to increase the relative converter capacity by approximately a factor of 50—100. The converter unit layout problem has been solved: the most promising solution is to place it into the zone cooled with liquid nitrogen.

Author Biographies


DUBENSKIY Georgy A. (Moscow Aviation Institute — MAI, Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Senior Scientist, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


MODESTOV Kirill A. (MAI, Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Yury Ig. KOVAN

KOVAN Yury Ig. (MAI, Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Senior Scientist, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Konstantin L. KOVALEV

KOVALEV Konstantin L. (MAI, Moscow, Russia) — Professor, Head of the Department, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)

Anatoly Ye. LARIONOV

LARIONOV Anatoly Ye. (MAI, Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Senior Scientist, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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