A Multipole Fuzzy Logic Controller for Improved Control of Shunting Reactors

  • Arif Mamed HASHIMOV
  • Guseyngulu Bayram GULIYEV
  • Aytek Ramiz BABAYEVA
Keywords: electrical network, reactive power, shunting reactor, fuzzy logic controller, control


The article considers the problem of achieving more efficient operation of a multipole fuzzy logic controller (MFLC) intended to control the shunting reactor reactive power for stabilizing the voltage at the buses of high-voltage electric networks and for enhancing the operational reliability under the conditions of uncertain variations of power system circuit and operating parameters. A new algorithm for controlling the shunting reactor’s reactive power or inductive reactance depending on the load impedance, on the load variation rate, and voltage at the network buses is proposed. The results from a numerical experiment carried out by means of computer modeling confirm the efficiency of the proposed control algorithm for the MFLC with using the fuzzy logics theory.

Author Biographies


HASHIMOV Arif Mamed (The Azerbaijan Scientific-Research and Designed-Prospecting Institute of Energetics (ASRDPIE), Baku, Azerbaijan) — Director Advisor to the President of «Azerenerj»; Academician of National Academy of Siences of Azerbaijan

Guseyngulu Bayram GULIYEV

GULIYEV Guseyngulu Bayram (ASRDPIE, Baku, Azerbaijan)—Head of department. Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Aytek Ramiz BABAYEVA

BABAYEVA Aytek Ramiz (ASRDPIE, Baku, Azerbaijan) — Academic Secretary, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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