Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Fields: Multiphysical Problems, Tools, and Education

  • Pavel A. BUTYRIN
  • Semen D. DUBITSKY
  • Hikolay V. KOROVKIN
Keywords: finite element method, electromagnetic field modeling, multiphysical modeling, multiscale models, teaching problems


Matter sconcerned with numerical simulation of multiphysical systems involving electromagnetic fields and problems associated with teaching such simulation to students specializing in electrical engineering are considered. Owing to the universal nature of numerical field simulation methods, such for example as the finiteelement method, fields of different physical nature can be included in the model:electromagnetic field, temperature field, field of mechanical stresses and strains, and others. It is also possible to combine models of different nature in a common analysis scheme: field and chain, deterministic and stochastic. The approach is discussed with reference to the problem of electromagnetically accelerating a conducting body, in which the multiphysical approach gives knowledge that is not accessible in analyzing a single physical domain. The course “Electromagnetic Field Theory, which is among the most important ones in educating students specializing in electrical engineering, is very difficult to learn. It canbe made more practice-oriented, clear, live, and captivating by using modern computer programs for numerical analysis of electromagnetic field. The article discusses the technical and methodical problems concerned with integrating the numerical simulation techniques into the canvas of the existing course: refining the education objectives and techniques for fulfilling them, selecting the correct place of simulation in the course of electromagnetic field theory, and selecting the optimal software.

Author Biographies


BUTYRIN Pavel A. (National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», Moscow, Russia) — Head of the Department, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences


DUBITSKY Semen D. (LLC «Tor», St. Petersburg, Russia) — Researcher, Creator of program «ELCUT»


KOROVKIN Hikolay V. (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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