Poynting’s Vector and the New Theory of a Transformer. Part 8. Alternating Windings

  • Mansur A. SHAKIROV
Keywords: transformer, disk winding, magnetic flux, equivalent circuit, short circuit, Poynting’s vector, vector potentia


A correct theory of a transformer with alternating windings is developed. The theory is based on the following two key concepts: the idea of transmitting power from the primary winding to the secondary winding through Poynting’s vector and the idea of the main role played by the vector potential in the description of physical processes. It is proposed to consider such transformer as a particular case of a multiwinding transformer, the windings in which are divided into groups with internal connections, one of which forms the primary circuit, and the other one forms the secondary circuit. As a result, it became possible to directly obtain the universal equivalent circuits of the transformer from the circuit models of the previously considered multiwinding transformer (see Elektrichestvo No. 4, 2017). The universal nature of the circuits means that, first, they reflect all magnetic fluxes in the device steel and aperture, and, second, they are equally suitable for both cylindrical and disk transformers with alternating windings. The latter has been demonstrated proceeding from the principle of equivalence of these devices that was formulated in the author’s article (see Elektrichestvo No. 3, 2019). It has been proven that in comparison with usual transformers, additional superfluxes (i.e., fluxes exceeding the no-load flux) arise in transformers with alternating windings under short circuit conditions, a circumstance that must be taken into account in analyzing their electrodynamic stability to emergency conditions.

Author Biography


SHAKIROV Mansur A. (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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