Calculating the Inductance of Single- and Two-Layer Solenoids Taking into Account the Specific Features of Their Practical Application

  • Georgy N. TSITSIKYAN
  • Mikhail Yu. ANTIPOV
Keywords: solenoid, calculation of inductance, exact expression, electrodynamic forces, loading devices


Comparatively simple expressions for calculating the inductances of thin-layer coils have been proposed more or less recently, using which numerical assessments can be obtained in an essentially simpler manner. At the same time, rigorous expressions for calculating the inductances can in a number of cases be given subject to commonly accepted idealization, from which it is possible to determine, among other things, the permissible variation range of geometrical sizes in using simplified dependences. A rigorous expression and some of its modifications for the inductance of a solenoid with diameter d and length l is given, and a rigorous expression for determining the compression forces is derived. Certain aspects of practical application are considered in view of the fact that thin-layer coils are the main component of loading devices intended for testing the generator sets of self-contained power plants.

Author Biographies


TSITSIKYAN Georgy N. (Krylov State Research Centre, SET Branch, St. Petersburg, Russia) — Deputy Head of Dept., Academic secretary of Scientific and Technical Cobncil, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)

Mikhail Yu. ANTIPOV

ANTIPOV Mikhail Yu. (Krylov State Research Centre, SET Branch, St. Petersburg, Russia) — 1nd Category Design Engineer


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