Calculation of Equivalent Contours of Damper Winding and Inductance of Mutual Induction of Synchronous Machine

  • Alexander A. AFANAS’YEV
Keywords: synchronous machines, pulsating field, slot and end winding leakages, MMF of damper circuits, potential functions, 2D model, reciprocity principle of mutual inductances


Formulas for calculating the leakage inductances and resistances of the equivalent damper winding of a salient-pole synchronous machine are proposed. The proposed formulas are based on the equality of the leakage field and thermal loss energies in a real winding and in its virtual image. Based on the equality of the MMFs of the real and equivalent damper windings, calculations for determining the number of turns in the equivalent damper winding are carried out. A 2D mathematical model of a synchronous machine with a uniform air gap is analyzed using complex periodic potential functions. It is shown that the reciprocity principle is not fulfilled in the mutual inductances of the stator winding phases and rotor windings due to difference in the MMF shapes of these windings. This principle is fulfilled for the mutual inductances between the stator winding phases and damper winding circuits.

Author Biography

Alexander A. AFANAS’YEV

AFANAS’YEV Alexander A (Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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