Evaluation of the Power Transformer Magnetizing Inrush Currents

  • Aleksey A. KUVSHINOV
  • Vera V. VAKHNINA
  • Aleksey N. CHERNENKO
Keywords: power transformer, magnetizing current, magnetic system, unilateral saturation, magnetic flux, geomagnetically induced current


The mathematical model of a shell-core power transformer’s magnetization branch is substantiated. By using the model, analytical expressions for the magnetizing current instantaneous values under the conditions of geomagnetic disturbances can be obtained. Quantitative assessments of the magnetizing inrush current amplitudes and durations versus the geomagnetic disturbance intensity are obtained. The dynamics of the power transformer magnetic system saturation transient and changes in the magnetization inrush current amplitudes and durations after a sudden occurrence of geomagnetic disturbances are shown. The error of estimating the magnetizing inrush current amplitudes under geomagnetic disturbances is determined based on comparison with experimental data.

Author Biographies


(Tol’yatti State University (TSU), Tol’yatti, Russia) — Professor of Electric Supply and Electrical Engineering Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


(TSU, Tol’yatti, Russia) — Professor, Head of Electric Supply and Electrical Engineering Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


(TSU, Tol’yatti, Russia) — Associate Professor of Electric Supply and Electrical Engineering Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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