On the Choice of Methods for Numerically Integrating the Equations of Transients in Electric Power Systems

  • Kholiyor S. SAFAROV
  • Ahror A. SUYUNOV
  • Otabek E. BABAYEV
  • Sardor E. SAYFIYEV
Keywords: integration methods, differential-algebraic equations, transients, numerical methods, electric power systems


Algorithms for solving the system of differential-algebraic equations describing electromechanical transients in electric power systems are considered along with matters concerned with ensuring the reliability and required accuracy of the solution results. Classical explicit methods, methods for implicit numerical integration and simultaneous solution of differential-algebraic systems of equations are used to model dynamic processes in power systems. On the basis of the methods used, difference models of electric power system components are obtained. The equations of transients in electric power systems are written in a homogeneous coordinate basis with the use of nodal voltage equations. A comparative analysis of algorithms based on the explicit Runge-Kutta method and implicit methods of Euler, trapezoids, Euler with fitting coefficients is carried out. The analysis results have shown that in terms of stability and accuracy, the trapezoid method has the greatest advantages, which is not inferior to the 4th order Runge-Kutta method and allows calculations with a large integration step to be carried out. The effectiveness of the combined method is shown, in which the Euler method with fitting is used to solve the differential equations describing electromagnetic processes, and the trapezoid method is used to solve the equations of electromechanical motion.

Author Biographies

Kholiyor S. SAFAROV

(Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan) – Associate Professor of the Electric Power Engineering Dept., Cand. Sci.(Eng.).


(Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan) – Master's Student of the Electric Power Engineering Dept.


(Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics, Karshi, Uzbekistan) – Assistant of the Electric Power Engineering Dept.


(Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics, Karshi, Uzbekistan) – Assistant of the Electric Power Engineering Dept. 


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