Modeling the Operation Modes of a Grid Windmill Equipped with a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
Windmills (WMs) equipped with permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) are widely used in modern wind power engineering applications. A grid WM equipped with a PMSG uses power converters for converting all electric power generated in the entire variation ranges of wind velocity and generator rotation frequency. The power converter connected on the generator side controls the generator’s active power supplied to the grid by means of the maximal power point tracing (MPPT) algorithm, and the power converter connected on the grid side controls the DC voltage and reactive power. For analyzing and studying the operation modes of a grid WM equipped with a PMSG, and for estimating the possibilities of controlling the generator rotation frequency under the conditions of variable wind velocity and generator rotation frequency with the optimal level of power supplied to the grid, all electric power components of the WM are modeled on a computer using available and newly developed systems in the MATLAB environment. The developed control algorithms implement control of the generator stator current zero direct component for monitoring the power converter connected to the generator, control of wind wheel blades position, and oriented control with respect to the grid voltage phasor for monitoring the power converter connected to the grid. The modeling results have shown that the model of the considered WM equipped with a PMSG developed in the MATLAB environment is able to perform full-scale power conversion from 0.068 p.u. to 0.985 p.u. with an average error of 2.58% with the wind velocity varying from its initial value equal to 5 m/s to the nominal value equal to 12 m/s and makes it possible to control the generator rotation frequency in the full range from 0.409 p.u. to 0.995p.u. with a percentage error of 0.91%. Thus, the model of the considered WM equipped with a PMSG developed in the MATLAB environment is adequate and can be used for reliably modeling the operation modes of a WM equipped with a PMSG.
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Alaa Eldien M.M. Hassan, Mahmoud A. Sayed, Essam E.M. Mohamed. Three-phase Matrix Converter Applied to Wind Energy Conversion System for Wind Speed Estimation, International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy. 2015, vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 117-124.
Syahputra, Rodi & Wiyagi, Rama & Sudarisman. Performance analysis of a wind turbine with permanent magnet synchronous generator. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2017, vol. 95, No. 9, pp. 1950-1957.
Ben Ali R., Schulte H., Mami A. Modeling and simulation of a small wind turbine system based on PMSG generator, Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), Ljubljana, 2017, pp. 1-6.
Wu Y.K., Hu Y.L., Chiang M.H. Development of a PMSG-based wind turbine modeling by ADAMS, FAST and MATLAB, Energy Procedia, 2016, vol. 100, pp. 122-126.
Suyampulingam As & Subbiah V. PMSG based wind turbine system connected to DC micro-grid with MPPT control. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 2018, vol. 118, No. 10, pp. 99-105.
Ben Smida M., Sakly A. Pitch Angle Control for Variable Speed Wind Turbines, Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development (RESD), 2015, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 81-88,
Echchaachoual Amina, El Hani Soumia, Hammouch Ahmed. Comparison of three estimators used in a sensorless MPPT strategy for a wind energy conversion chain based on a PMSG. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2018, vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 20-24.
Geetha Sai Sree K., Sunilkumar M., Prasanna Lakshmi Ch. Control of a Grid Connected Wind Energy Conversion System By using Sliding Mode Control (SMC). - International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 2017, vol. 7, iss.2, pp. 83-88.
Alencar D.B.D., Afonso C.D.M., Oliveira R.L.D., Rodmguez J.M., Leite J., Filho J.R. Different models for forecasting wind power generation: Case study. - Energies, 2017, No. 10, 1976.